Independent music for independent minds.


brand strategy
innovation strategy
product design
CX design
retail concepts
narrative media

evolving one of the most authentic brands in music

When Bob Guccione Jr. founded SPIN in 1985, there was no one representing all the new and independent voices burgeoning on the 80’s music scene in punk, new wave and the nascent genre of rap. Rolling Stone had declared Rock n Roll as king, but Prince and a league of legendary artists would challenge convention – and SPIN was the magazine for this new generation. From Madonna to Nirvana, they broke new faces on controversial covers and created a legendary American media brand, which Bob sold nearly 20 years later at the peak of its value.

After the brand bounced around through many new owners, our friends at Next Management Partners bought the rights to SPIN from Billboard magazine and brought back Bob to his flagship, along with a new team of creators and music lovers to reimagine the brand and business for the next 20 years. GoodLab was integrated as part of the creative nucleus.

brand & innovation strategy

With SPIN’s ambitions to expand both internationally and across mediums (TV, film, retail), we’ve worked with the core team on strategy sprints to lay out the brand pillars, and the critical path initiatives needed to drive the innovation plan.

product design

We visualized merchandising categories for overseas licensing partners and for the SPIN online store.

retail concepts

We rendered multiple concepts to bring the SPIN experience to life for overseas retail partners.